The Family Life Center (FLC) is a congregational and community ministry of Shades Crest Baptist Church. We encourage a distinctly Christian atmosphere and work to help promote good sportsmanship, healthy competition, enhanced family relationships, and improved overall physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Mon., Tues., and Thurs. 10 am – 9 pm (Times may change due to Church events and staff coverage)
Wed. 10 am – 5 pm
Fri.-Sun. Closed except for scheduled events
Please Call 205-822-1750 to reserve court time and schedule events
Located at: 2028 Rockland Drive, Hoover, Alabama
FLC Calendar
FLC Guidelines
High Country 5k
The longest running road race in Bluff Park returns on April 12, 2025. This challenging 5K features a medal ceremony with free Pancake Breakfast immediately afterwards. Race specifics: t-shirt, chip timing, corral start based on estimated finish time, police escort, mile markers, water at midpoint, and enthusiastic supporters along route. Our “Elementary School Challenge” participants will run the same course with a delayed start. Whether you are running this event for the first time or have completed all previous races, please join us for a great day of fun and fellowship!
Registration costs are the following:
- $35 Regular
- $40 on Race Day
- $10 Student Rate (K – 5th grade)
5K Registration
FLC Participation
Participation is available to all Shades Crest Baptist Church members, as well as members of the community. To participate, complete the online Participation Form below (ages 14-18) must have a parent complete form.
FLC Participation Form
Fitness Center
FLC members and guests must have an orientation before using the Fitness Center. The Fitness Center is for those 14 years of age or older.
Gym (court) Time
All gym usage by groups and individuals should be reserved in advance to ensure availability. Available court times vary according to events being held at the Family Life Center.
Fireside Room
The Fireside Room is a meeting room furnished in a family-room setting. This room provides a great space for small Bible/book studies, showers or teas, class meetings, etc., and is available to Shades Crest Baptist Church members only. This area must be reserved in advance.
Reserving the FLC
The FLC may be reserved for parties and other events by Shades Crest Baptist Church members. The cost is $50 per day plus a $100 security deposit. (The deposit is returned if the facility is left clean and there is no damage).
Call 205-822-1750 to request reserving the FLC.
Fitness Opportunities
The Fitness Center: Cardiovascular machines (treadmills, ellipticals), weight machines, and free weights
Indoor Walking Track: 17 laps around the gym = 1 mile
Annual High Country 5K Race: Registration Opens Nov. 4th at link above.
Recreational Opportunities
Game Room: Pool table, table tennis, and foosball
Gym: Basketball, racquetball, pickleball
Dale Stringfellow
Coordinator, Family Life Center